Opal by Type
Australian Rough Opal 17cts Exquisite Pair Handpicked Select Semi Black Seams lots of Super Bright Multi colour fires to Cut 22x19x4mm & 20x9x8mm WSE678
Lightning Ridge Small Opal Rough/Rub/Preform Dark Base Knobby Gem Grade From the Miners Bench® 1.5cts Stunning Bright Multi fires 13x7x2mm MFB48
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Cutters Candy® Grawin Crystal Seam opal 21.5cts Amazing Bright Multicolour seams 12x10x3mm to 10x8x3mm MFB13
Australian Opal Rubs Parcel Black, Semi Black & Crystal Plate of colour from the Miners Bench® 44cts Bright FIRES / MULTIFIRES to faces 21x13x9mm to 9x9x3mm WSP90
TOPS Bling Thick veneer Gem Quality Doublet Gorgeous Patterns & Very Bright fires Lightning Ridge Crystal & Black Potch
Mulga® Dark base Seam opal stack 13.75cts Blue/Green/Teals Bright & Vibrant rough for cutters 20x10x5mm to 14x8x6mm NSW019
Lightning Ridge Black Crystal Opal Gemstone 2.40cts Gem Grade Mulga® N4 Black Body Tone High dome B6 Brightness Stunning Royal Blues 10x6x5mm UK07
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Lightning Ridge Rough Cutters Candy® Dark & Crystal knobby & Seam Opal parcel 33cts Stunning Gorgeous Vibrant Bright Multifires & bars 16x14x3mm to 12x5x3mm WAE38
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal 49cts Big Black base Seams to cut Gorgeous Bright fires in bars to cut 32x15x9mm & 23x22x9mm WAD28
Lightning Ridge Dark Opal Rough / Rub / Preform High Grade 7.6cts Big Gem Quality amazing Bright Multi fires 27x13x2mm WSH62
Lightning Ridge Opal Dark Base Rough / Rub / Preform Gem Grade 11.5cts Big Clean amazing Bright Multi fires 21x13x5mm WSH38
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Mulga® Dark Crystal Cutters Seam opal 9cts Stacked Rainbow Bars Latest production details being added soon inbox for info MFB37
Mulga® Black Seam opal 13cts Stunning Bright & Vibrant Cutters Green / Blue dominant fires 20x15x2mm & 20x15x2mm MFB16
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal Parcel 47cts Cutters Select Black bright & colourful material to cut 20x8x7mm to 15x9x6mm MFB05
Lighting Ridge Mulga® Miners Bench® Red & Multifires on Black & Dark Base Opal Rough Rub 28cts Gorgeous Bright Multifires 15x10x7mm to 5x3x2mm WAB32
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OPAL MONTH SPECIAL Mulga® Miners Bench® Red & Multifires on Black Opal Rough Rub 18cts Gorgeous Bright fires 15x10x7mm to 10x8x2mm WSZ58
Lightning Ridge Opal Rough n Rub Parcel Dark & Crystal From the Miners Bench® 44cts Bright Multifires 23x9x6mm to 8x7x3mm WSY94
Lightning Ridge Rough Mulga® Black & Semi Black Opal Seam parcel 110cts Potential & Cutters Bright fires & bars 27x18x3mm to 12x11x2mm WSV63
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Lightning Ridge Rough Mulga® Black Opal Seam Split 15cts Exotic & Stunning Cutters Gorgeous Multifire bars 18x12x6mm & 11x10x6mm WSU45
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Lightning Ridge Opal Rub n rough Parcel Black & Semi Black parcel from the Miners Bench® 64cts Stunning Bright Multifires to faces 27x22x3mm to 10x8x4mm WST85
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal Thick Seams Stack cutters 70cts Potential Grade Lots fires in nice thick bars 18x15x8mm to 15x15x8mm WST11
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Australian Rough Mulga® Semi Black Opal Seam split pair 17cts Exotic & Stunning Cutters Gorgeous Bright Multifires & Bright bars 22x14x12mm & 20x8x7mm WSS24
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Australian Rough Mintabie Dark Opal 31cts Seam Stack lots Bright Multifires in the bars Lots Potential 25x11x10mm to 17x9x5mm WSQ12
Australian Rough Black untouched Seam Opal Parcel from Grawin 75cts Lots of Potential & Cutters Seams Lots bright colours & bars 25x22x12mm to 22x10x5mm WSN26
Australian Black Opal High Grade Rough / Rub Jewellery Grade N3 Bodytone 13.5cts Packed with bright Orange fires & gorgeous pattern WSB659
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Lightning Ridge Rough / Rub Dark base opal Miners Bench® 4cts Big Clean & Gorgeous Multifires 14x10x3mm MFB47
Australian Dark Crystal Opal Gemstone 3.9cts Jewellery Grade N6 Body Tone B4 Brightness Gorgeous Blue fires 12x10x4mm WAC59
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Australian Rough Semi Black Bright Seam Opal Parcel 145cts Lots of Potential & Cutters Lots bright colours & bars 25x24x10mm to 15x10x7mm WSP100
Australian Rough Mulga® Black Opal Seam pair 10cts Exotic & Stunning Cutters Gorgeous Bright Multifires & Bright bars 15x12x6mm & 12x8x6mm WSM55
Lightning Ridge Rough Black & Semi Black Seams Opal Parcel 78cts Lots of Potential & Cutters Lots Bright colours & bars 25x14x5mm to 9x7x6mm WSX26
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal Parcel 33cts Semi Black & Crystal High Grade Very Bright Lovely colourful material for cutters 20x8x6mm to 9x5x3mm WSX24
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal Parcel Mulga® Blacks 55cts Stunning Select Bright Lovely colourful material for cutters 15x10x3mm to 6x5x2mm WSF1997
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Lightning Ridge Untouched Rough Semi Black & Crystal Bright Seam Opal Parcel 54cts Lots of Potential & Cutters Lots bright colours & bars 16x8x5mm to 9x7x3mm WSS21
Mulga® Blues on Black Seam opal 15.75cts Gem Qualify rough for cutters 18x8x3mm to 10x7x2mm MFB22
"Jelly Bean" Black Crystal Opal Miners Bench® Knobby Rough Rub 4.00cts Directional but sexy Green/Teal/Blue/Red Broad zones of colour 17x7x6mm NSW020
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Lightning Ridge Opal Rub Parcel Black Dark & Crystal Miners Bench® 21cts Gorgeous Bright fires / Multifires 18x10x3 to 10x9x3 mm NSW002
Lightning Ridge Rough Opal 33cts Big Pair Stunning Light/Dark Base Cutters Candy® High Grade Bright Multifires 22x14x12mm & 17x14x11mm MFB28
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Lightning Ridge Rough / Rub Dark base opal Miners Bench® 23cts Huge Sized with Gorgeous Multifires 38x13x4mm MFB45
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Mulga® Dark Seam opal Miners Bench® rub rough 28cts Reds & Pinks to face 25x16x9mm MFB27
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Lightning Ridge Rough Cutters Candy® Dark & Crystal knobby Opal parcel 36cts Stunning Vivid Bright Multifires & bars 18x11x6mm to 10x7x5mm WAC15